Monday, August 18, 2014

The top 10 countries of Africa

Tanzania and secessionist threat

This country of the East African coast is considered to be a tourist destination, a center of safaris, amid beautiful scenery. Like Mozambique (see below), it can count on sandy beaches, and sunsets worthy sun postcards.

Who says tourism, said security. And Tanzania, security is achieved thanks to the merger of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, after their independence in 1961 and 1963, under the leadership of President Julius Nyerere, democratically elected and stayed 29 years in power until 1985 without putting up authoritarian or dictatorial regime.

Tanzania however, is not a perfect example of democracy, and tensions have existed in recent months experience between Islamist separatist tendencies Zanzibar vis-à-vis the central government in Dodoma.

On the occasion of the Islamic Renaissance Forum, which was held in Stone Town (the capital of Zanzibar) in June, requests for self-determination referendum were heard, even if the central government is silent on these aspirations. And some observers already see the island descend into chaos. Christian churches have been burned ...  

Morocco, its wealth, its divisions

Tourist country if there is one in North Africa, Morocco is strong in its history, proud of his monarchy, with its rich heritage, its influences and diversity.

But in a kingdom that draws a significant portion of its revenues from services and tourism, we must ensure that all goes well, at least in appearance.

Tourists do not see the disparities in Morocco. They will visit the splendor of Marrakech, the Medina of Fez, buy for gold trinkets memories of men in turbans, always smiling, all in the most perfect security.

But remains deeply planted a thorn in the foot of the Kingdom of Morocco: the question of Western Sahara. Go tell a Sahrawi that the country is safe, there are no problems, and see his reaction.

Lesotho, a nation, a king

This small enclave in the middle of South Africa's vastness is calm largely seniority. Lesotho since independence and even before, lives under the authority of a dynasty whose founder is celebrated every year to be able to unite and protect the nation from external influences, in particular, integration with the South Africa.

Although due to internal unrest, the king of exile in the 1990s, the return of calm was quickly made​​, and the king's powers were transferred to an elected assembly. Both coexist today.

The price of this unit is that Lesotho is among the least developed countries. Its limited resources, the agriculture-based economy, and its almost total dependence on South Africa make it an indebted state and bound hand and foot to external aid.

However, it can rely on its vast water resources, which should, once all the infrastructure in place, have to enable it to provide a portion of southern Africa, and thus reduce its dependence vis-à-vis not neighbors . 

 The Sierra Leone can finally move forward

This country of West Africa has unfortunately done much about him these past two years because of a civil war that ended in 2002, Since then, the country has a relative improvement or significant if the comparing the situation before the end of the war today.

May 30, 2012, former Liberian President Charles Taylor was convicted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone, where he was charged with armed underhand in the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF ) against diamonds, and maintain a civil war that officially 10,000 deaths and more than 2 million displaced.

The country is now at peace, experiencing political change, freedom of the press and can finally develop. For the page is turned, it was that Charles Taylor and his associates to trial. Everyone did was not, but the gondola, though.

Sierra Leone, however, entirely rebuilt, and its economy is still based on the exploitation of precious metals and stones (diamonds and gold), which were a key civil war. Many children are still working in these mines.

Zambia, a downside

It is often said that football is a barometer of society. Well, the world has discovered, during the 2012 African Cup of Nations (CAN), that Zambia is a state that is doing quite well, since he won.

Statistics on Vision of Humanity Zambia have increased steadily since 2007, and individual freedoms are generally insured. This is notably one of the least corrupt countries in Africa (relatively speaking). Tourism develops there and safari enthusiasts are familiar with this destination.

However, a shadow hangs over key table. The homicide rate is steadily increasing, so the country is classified as those in Africa, with the highest annual murder in proportion to their size. And, due to relatively easy access to small arms, according to figures from the Economist Intelligence Unit cited by the GPI.


Ghana, an island of tranquility in hostile land

The last presidential election in Ghana, which resulted in an alternation, was hailed by the international community for its transparency, and calm in which it took place. Gold in the area, it was not a foregone conclusion, and if Ghana is considered a peaceful country surroundings States can not say the same.

Now the neighbors are a significant factor in the stability of a country, and Ghana, countries in West Africa, is located in a region in crisis.

To the east, Togo suffers from clashes between protesters and security forces, due to torture and electoral manipulations of those in power, who seeks to maintain. To the west of Côte d'Ivoire is experiencing a difficult transition following the election of Alassane Ouattara and the anger of pro-Gbagbo, dividing the country. Across the region, finally, the ethno-religious tensions between Muslims and Christians weigh.

If Ghana can maintain an island of stability in the heart of this region, is counting on a free and independent press, a relatively corrupt font that provides security, and low permeability transit of arms. This country is regularly described as an economic "lions" emerging.

But due to regional instability, foreign ministries advise against visiting this country, whose main resource is not and does not aspire to be tourism, but agriculture and commodities.  

Namibia, rural-urban

"In Windhoek and other cities, the security experiencing a continued deterioration and require increased attention in recent years," warns the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its website. The Global Peace Index is meant much more reassuring, as compared to 2011, Namibia has made progress in the world rankings.

It must be said that the GPI takes account of armed robbery in the category "crime felt." Now it is primarily against the violence that warn various embassies. These flights can be assorits physical attacks in major cities.

Outside the cities, the country remains calm and prized for its spectacular and varied landscapes. But because of the insecurity that still reigns in the streets of the capital, tourism stalled, and the influx of foreigners remains low.

Mozambique aims to tourism, but ...

Many electoral fraud marred the 2004 elections in the republic of Southern Africa, still marked by its recent and violent past. A civil war raged there until 1992, and emblems of the country, the spade and the Kalashnikov ... remind every moment.

Positive points are worth noting, however, including freedom of the press, the very low rates of incarceration, an export-oriented and a low unemployment economy.

Mozambique remains nevertheless one of the poorest countries and its economy, archaic, based on agriculture and the export of raw materials mainly.

The country also benefits from its coastal frontage of 2,000 km, very attractive for tourism and resorts, mostly South Africans. But the country has several environmental problems, and is alternately struck by floods or droughts.

Botswana taunted the France
A gulf seventeen places between Mozambique and Botswana.

In the latter, corruption is almost zero, and you could almost compare it to a small paradise. Botswana has been targeted in a weakened by neighboring conflicts candle to all African countries by security that prevails area.

So Gaborone boasts being the GPI rankings, the capital of a more secure than Italy or France ... the country known.

Botswana has a low incarceration rate, low presence of weapons, transparent electoral processes and relative social peace.

The 1.8 million Batswana owe their tranquility at breakneck economic growth, which has made it out of the lackluster category of least developed countries in 1994, relying in particular on his influential South African neighbor.

A sign of the interdependence between the two countries is the fact that the capital Gaborone is located on the border with South Africa. The country's economy is indeed based on relocation services.

But Botswana also benefits from a basement full of minerals, diamonds and fossil fuels.

Everything is obviously not pink, because, as throughout the region, the health problems are far from over, AIDS is still devastating, and life expectancy is very low. But infant mortality is changing at a fairly low level, and education progresses.

Botswana has recently made ​​about him with much noticed and criticized visit of King Juan Carlos of Spain, come to hunt Elephant in April.

The safety of this protected species and endangered, however, remains quite

Mauritius, an island open to the world

Located off Madagascar, the small island of 1.2 million inhabitants and 1,800 km2 won the title of the safest African country. He squatted the head of the Ibrahim Index of African Governance best for several years. The purchasing power of its inhabitants exceeds that of emerging countries. And everything seems to go well in the best of worlds.

Independent since 1968, Mauritius has experienced an economic boom unparalleled: industry and finance, coupled with high levels of tourism, the country has abandoned an earlier economy based on agriculture, and was able to make self-sustaining. Many international call centers in particular, were relocated.

And as the economic growth and the standard of living and the low unemployment rate are usually factors of social peace, it is quite logical to find Maurice leads the standings GPI.

But like everywhere, there is a good side of the coin, comparable to situations that can be seen in some European countries (that Mauritius ahead to their majority in the rankings GPI). Indeed, the gap growing between the wealthier classes and the middle classes who impoverish, and many people still live in slums.

Despite this and the high population density, demonstrations and killings remain relatively low, and the country has managed to stay away from the outbreak of violence that his neighbor Reunion suffered in February 2012.

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