Wednesday, August 27, 2014

souks in the medina : Marrakech

Marrakech souk
The Medina of Marrakech has been classified as World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1985.Souks traditionally narrow streets, to keep out the sun. Here in Marrakeche was more hanging over the streets trellises, to filter the light. souks are open from 8:30 am to 20h. Many shops are closed on Friday . souks are organized by neighborhoods and businesses . Here souk carpet .

Saadian Tombs

Saadian tombs in Marrakech
Dating from the time of the great sultan Ahmed El Mansour (1578-1603), these tombs were not discovered until about 1917 and continue since impress the visitor with the beauty of their decoration. simplicity of the garden and atmosphere of recollection . The storks are likely to spend the winter in Marrakech . 's remains dignitaries of the Saadian dynasty, which we still consider ourdays as the patron saints of the city lie here. Saadian Tombs are stués 100m west El Bad palace, near the Kasbah Mosque. Mosque of the Kasbah of Marrakech.
Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Saadian tombs in Marrakech

Kasbah Mosque Marrakech

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

the Palace El Badi -Marrakech.

Useful information the Palace Badi El Marrakech.

Address :Palace El-Badi Marrakech, 658
Schedule and opening :O uvert every day to 12:45 8:45 14:30 and
Price, and prices: Access to the palace: 20 dirhams is 1.80 euros.
CartesA visiterMétéo

Proudly called the “palace of incomparable”, the palace Badi El reminds the victory of the troops saadiennes over the Portuguese army at the end of the 16th century. The construction was ordered by the monarch Ahmed al-Mansur Saadi who got the power after the death of his brother and sultan at the time of the “battle of the Three Kings” that ended in 1578. The wealth of the new sultan was so important that last setup a huge house and a priceless value (decorations out of marble, onyx, mosaics coatings and in gold) leaves. The time of his construction to say so long on her magnificence: 25 years of work! Once completed the palace, he could count more than 360 pieces. The monument got for main vocation to lodge royal ceremonies and parties. These days, there are only a few ruins of this monument, surrounded by gardens, orange trees and basins. The building was not destroyed in a conflict as many people can think so but by a man, Moulay Ismail king, who, jealous of this architectural work, made him destroy by 1696. The site is life during the annual party, Moroccan folklore and all the year round the storks who left their nest here.

A TRIP TO : the palace of BAHIA

Built to the 19th century, the palace of Bahia belonged to the grand master of the kingdom, if Ahmed ben Musa, top dog of the sultans Moulay el Hassan Moulay Abd el Aziz and first.
The palace of Bahia, literally the palace of “beautiful”, was a gift from the top dog for his favorite among his official 80 concubines.
The typical oriental beauty of the monument is doing it one of the most beautiful palace in Marrakech. The various parts of the palace, including small back gardens and fountain, are spread out over 10 acres. Yes, the building is over 150 coins.
The royal family always accomplishes were in the palace. Also, only a small portion is open to the public. We can all the same to enjoy the Andalusian garden apartments of the beauty” and a piece of advice.

Useful information
Address: Rue de Bahia Rue Zitoun el Jedid 2 pas de la with.
Entrance fee: 10 dirhams.
Open every day to 12:00 8:30 14:30 and 18:00 to. Watch out: the schedule vary according to the season.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Oukaïmeden is the main ski resort of Morocco. It is 74 miles from Marrakech on a high plateau. Oukaïmeden culminates 3200 meters altitude on the tops of the station, and was in the mountainous chain of High Atlas. Skiing area, between 2500 and 3200 feet tall, best dressed and covered with snow in Morocco. That covers about 300 acres that focus on the north side of Oukaïmeden. The snow is usually abundant from November at the end of April to.

After the birth of the ski resort and Michlifen mountain in the province of Ifrane what was the purpose of our article published on the same page, dated January 23rd, 2005 website Oukaimeden about province of El Haouz high in the Atlas according to the show “Mountains Moroccan” published by the CAF from Casablanca, aroused the interests of the mountain dwellers from the birth of skiing in Morocco back in the 30's and that, in spite of the difficulties of access once when we went up into 6 to 7 o'clock on mules for Asni to invest the set from the appearance of the first snows.

From the same source, the section of the French Club Alpine Marrakech built a small in 1936 refuge Oukaimeden with that in, what, a more regular frequentation of the site and the organization of the first class. In 1938 was established, the military center in 1941 and more, a big cabin is arranged by the French Alpine Club. The ski championships in Morocco are organized for the first time in Oukaimeden in February 1942.

In 1948, the first lead proper motor vehicles for connecting to Marrakech Oukaimeden Tahannaoute via Farès Sidi and was open and, five years after (around 1953), two private hotels and thirty country cottages are built in Oukaimeden lanes, as well as the electricity and water conveyances come true and the first two ski-lifts - the Chouka (long 1100m of uneven with 380m of) and the “means” (297m of long with a unevenness) 78m of are implanted in the station who also got two springboards ski jump.

In 1963, the car is her Oukaimeden dressing chair-lift with a way with 1960m unevenness with a 620 foot and a stream skieurs/h 600, another lift and about the domestic electric network to encourage the resumption of real construction and frequentation tourist.

In 1965, the new access road through the valley of Ourika is open and helped well join the Oukaimeden station who was dressed in two more and more skis-lift in 1967 was connected to the automatic in 1970 phones.
In 1992 finally, the top of Oukaimeden managed and the lift of the top combe viewpoint with a light and a cabin restaurant were built.

At the beginning of the 30's, the section of the high Atlas of French Alpine Club came out with Marrakech near the site of Oukaimeden and it is only around 1941-42 season that the section of the French Alpine Club from Casablanca came out.
At the wake, a league of ski French Federation (ski FFS) came out in Morocco to coordinate and organize the activity of all these clubs and many others who came out after 1942 and to contribute to the promotion of winter sports in Morocco of the 30's.

Skiing area in the station of Oukaimeden now covers 300 acres focused on the north side of the Oukaimeden mount, it ranges from 2620 to 3270 feet tall.

At the time of the snowy fairly years from now, this area is ski practicable mid-December at the end of March at is for one hundred days one time.
Given his relatively modest maximum altitude based on their latitude (31°) ski, the area of the Oukaimeden station does not allow to guarantee a snowing quality up during the period that is blocking the marketing especially abroad.

In the same way, precise we the same source of information, too great technical difficulty of the site is a liability: yes, 75% of the tracks of the station of Oukaimeden are addressed to good skiers and only 25% of the average beginner or skiers, when in theory, the proportions should be reversed.

manara :marrakech

True oasis in little distance from the center of Marrakech Ménara, is a big garden of the 40 varieties of olive trees around a huge pond that is used for tank for the irrigation of plants.

He is one of the places of the quiet one Marrakech and many there will find the peace at the edge of the pool supplied with water from the mountains that we can see on the horizon.

This tank is powered by a very old hydraulic Qanat name system that allows to get water from the mountains out 30 miles of Marrakech.

The Gardens of Ménara around 1147 were arranged by the Caliph Abd al-Mumin Marrakech who seized by founding rule of the Almohades Almoravides supplanted that.

The name of Menara comes from the roof shaped like a pyramid (Menzeh) of building the house at the time of the Saadi dynasty in the 16th century by rear renovated Rahman, Abd the sultan ibn Hicham who had made his summer palace.

This place was and remains one of the favorite places in the couples who enjoy romantic setting of this house that reflects in the water of the majestic basin and the backdrop of the mountains High Atlas.

For the visitors who wish to enjoy the freshness of the places, the entrance to the gardens are even by an import duty 20 dirhams has wanted to visit the house.

The Gardens of Ménara represent one of main attractions in Marrakech, as well as Koutoubia, the Place Jamâa Fna El Ben Youssef Medersa, the Palace Badi El or the Gardens of Agdal.

Friday, August 22, 2014

La Koutoubia mosquée -Marrakech-

Koutoubia mosque is a masterpiece of architectural hispanomauresques influences.
Name of the mosque  :   Koutoubia Mosque
Instead of the mosque  Marrakech
Year of construction  1120
 Date Redesign  : from 1162 during the reign of the Almohad emir Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur.Il finished the work with a superb minaret, architectural masterpiece of Spanish-Moorish influences.
History of the mosque  : The Koutoubia mosque or mosque bookshops , was started under the Berber Almoravid dynasty. The mosque became one of the buildings most features of this style . Its name comes from the fact that it was in the souk merchants manuscripts.

Manufacturer  : Abdelmoumen, the first ruler of the Almohad dynasty mosque erected in the twelfth century. His grand-son Yacoub El Mansour
Special features: The mosque booksellers is organized on a plan t . This tradition has existed since the construction of the Mosque of Kairouan in IX  century, and is also found in Spain . This is actually a pillared Arab plan, that is to say with a large courtyard surrounded by a portico and a prayer hall with columns. The aisles are perpendicular to the qibla wall, the center is wider; and the span along the qibla wall is also magnified, which forms a T, hence the name. The mihrab is treated as a deep niche, and the minaret, 69 m high, has a square section, in the tradition of the Muslim West.
The mosque holds a fine booksellers minbar dating from 1137, is in Cordoba for another mosque. Like most of those in the West, it is mobile ( on wheels ), composed of different woods but ivory. The bill decor, extremely fine, in postponements have taken seven years. It features including arches glued to each other that mark the footboards and a taste for polychromy is notable.
At the top of the minaret, there are three stacked balls with diameter decreases symbolize Earth, Water and Fire.

Obtain info on Morocco

Morocco is a country located in the northwestern part of Africa and the Maghreb. Its capital is Rabat. The country is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Spain, Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Algeria to the east.
Card Morocco
Police: ID card or passport being valid
Health: tetanus, polio
- Sweet October to April 10-15 degree
- from May to September 21-30 degree hot
Spring and autumn much rain
Local Time
- Summer 12h and 11h paris Marrakech
- Winter 12 paris - 10h Marrakech
Currency: Dirham, non-exportable
Shops: silver jewelry, earring, copper, leather slippers, prayer rugs, pottery, mirror, souk, spices
Gastronomy: couscous, tagine chicken, lamb, fish, Mechoui, roast lamb, briouat, pastillât pigeon or chicken, kesra, Eastern pastry
Beverages: tea mint , water min 'meeting, Kamour, marzipan; honey
Board: French protectorate independent since 1956
This is a royalty Mohamed 6 power since 1999 before hassen2
Religion: moderate Islam
Languages: Arabic, French
Companies: Royal Air Morocco , Air France
Airports: Marrakech, Agadir, Casablanca
TO: Marmara, Royal Tour
Product-type vacations
- spring summer: about 500-600 euros
- Fall Winter: 400-500 euros
Circuit imperial
Rabat 1-
-Meknes 3
Selling Points:
- proximity landscape
- sea
- dune
- the stony deserts
- language
- good food
- Shopping
- Police
good hotel club
Negative arguments
tourism mass
Rabat: The medina, the kasbah Oudaïa, souks, the museum of Moroccan arts
The imperial city : the Tour Hassan, Mausoleum of Mohammed V, the royal palace, the archaeological museum and the necropolis of Chellah
Casablanca largest mosque in the world
Fes mosque, ramparts, Mellah Jewish quarter karaomesque
Dar Batha Museum, the Palace Jamai Borj South, mérinides tombs Karaouiyine mosque, madrasa al-attarine
city of tradition and opening at a time This is the oldest of the imperial cities.
intellectual and cultural center of Morocco, Fez is registered in World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1980 to protect its historic center and its rich crafts
Meknes: bob Mansour, beautiful door, large madrasah Islamic school
Koutoubia Mosque of the Kasbah, the Saadian tombs, the El Badi Palace, the Bahia Palace, Dar Si Said, Jemaa el Fna, the Museum of Marrakech, the Agdal garden walls, tanners, the Majorelle Garden and Menara, the Medina: souks, the Madrasa Ben Youssef and Dar Bellarj
Agadir . Municipal Museum Bert-Flint, the Birds Valley, Medina, Dades Gorge, Todra, Ziz and the Zegzel
. valleys of Ait Bouguemez Ourika, Draa and Ammeln
Volubilis : ancient city, waterfalls Ouzoud, the nature reserve of Merdja Zerga, the cedar forest, the sources of the Oum er Rbia, the National Park Sous-Massa.

Finally the following Moroccan cities are worth a look:
- Essaouira
- Tafraoute
- Ait Ben Haddou
- Chefchaouen
- Moulay Idriss
- Meknes
- Tangier
- Tetouan

The imperial cities in Riad

1 / program  Marrakech
Arrive in Marrakech. Home airport transfer and accommodation in Riad. 
Marrakech 2 / - Beni Mellal - Fez (480 km) 
Departure from Marrakech to Fez via Beni Mellal Khénifra, Azrou, Ifrane and landscapes forests of cedars and oaks of the Middle Atlas. 
Lunch en route. 
Arrive in Fez late afternoon, check in Riad (2 nights). 

3/ Fez 
visit Fez Day, the most former Imperial city, founded in 789 by Moulay Idriss 1st, the first Sultan of the dynasty Idrissid. 
, we recommend taking a Official Guide (ask the Riad), both for knowledge and for being left alone during the visit of the souks and the famous Medina. Night at the Riad. 
4 / Fez - Meknes (65 km) 
. Departure to Meknes 
Listed as World Heritage by UNESCO, Meknes, one of the four Imperial cities, was the capital of Sultan Moulay Ismail, a contemporary of Louis XIV. 
Visit the city and its monuments (the Royal stables, instead El Hedin, Bab Mansour, the souks, etc.);again, it is best to take a Professional Guide. 
Overnight at Riad 

5 / Meknes - Rabat    (135 km) 
Departure to Rabat via Khémisset and country Zemmour. 
Arrive in Rabat, the capital. City tour, Tour Hassan, Mohamed V Mausoleum, the Kasbah Udayas etc. 
Overnight at Riad 
6 / Rabat - Marrakech (345 km) 
Departure to Marrakech, via Casablanca . 
Stop to visit the famous Hassan II Mosque, facing the Wed   
By early afternoon, drive to Marrakech. Settle in for two nights at Villa Harmonie. 
7 / Marrakech 
Full day tour of Marrakech and its monuments under the guidance of a licensed guide: Jardins de la Koutoubia, Majorelle Gardens, Ben Youssef Madrasa, Bahia Palace Tombs Saadi, souks. Night at RiadJ 8 / Departure Transfer to the airport for the return flight. 

Tourism in Morocco

Wealth of the country

Morocco has the advantages very important natural and historical and cultural heritage rich and diverse. 
Tourism in Morocco is affrime increasingly as a real priority of its development plan, given its economic and social positive impact. 
The Morocco, a haven of fun for those who know how to enjoy theirholidays with its tourist offer multiple choices to suit all tastes. This is the land of season four, which summarizes all the African continent, with its forests, its deserts , its dunes , its mountains , itswaterfalls and green around .
Going for more detail, we can classify the tourist offer in Morocco as follows:

Ancient cities

Morocco has a rich and diverse cultural and civilizational heritage.Each region has its own characteristics, thus contributing to the national culture and civilizational heritage. Among the priority obligations include the protection of heritage in all its forms and the preservation of historical monuments.
Since the independence of Morocco, many socio-cultural changes have taken place, as part of the logic of inevitable changes facing the rain by countries during the second half of the twentieth century. It is in light of these new conditions that are organized arts for decades.
's official tourism in Morocco in recent decades are based on cultural heritage forth rich ancient towns with historic monuments, arti sanat s and popular cultures. Fez example is the first Muslim city which is considered as a bubbling history museum open. Thus containing ancient power " Al karawiyeene "many traditional markets, and historic hotels. Marrakech Al Hamra (Red) is known by the Tour Koutobia , but what attracts the most interest from visitors is the Al Badie Palace . Agdal Gardens el place Jamaa El Fna classified by UNISCO as a global human heritage of oral léttiratures. It is a popular open space with these different shapes and colors.
Mountain tourism

Since the beginning of this tourism visitors have discovered the beautiful spaces. Azilal remains the most original city of this activity. 
Also during the winter, themountains of the Atlas is a tourist attraction with snow exposed to the sight of its visitors endless ski pole ski that that roof Oukaymdène in regions of Marrakech or in areas Michlifen Ifrane. It is interesting to note that its regions have sports and tourism materials. 
During summer comes the turn fans the rise of the great Atlas Mountains from Azilal up Megouna. So these fans can enjoy visiting the cave s especially those located in areas' of Agadir in the south.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jemaa el Fna - Marrakech -

Name of de place

Destination of any magic, Jemaa El Fna told through its storytellers, dancers, vendors and water snake charmers, the history of Morocco yesterday and today while subjugating its visitors by charm that starts in the morning and still finds its peak in the evening.

Another symbol of the Red City, religious, one, the minaret of the nearby Koutoubia closely with the square, the medieval Moroccan columns written between the eleventh and fourteenth century refer to a Rahba Al Ksar, an esplanade palace located in the vicinity of the Koutoubia. It would have imposed publicly exemplary sentences from the twelfth century. The palace in question and certainly the Ksar al-Hajar built in the late eleventh century by the Almoravids, whose ruins remain at the foot of the Koutoubia. Over the centuries, the urban space evolves, grows and shrinks gradually instead. By the second half of the sixteenth century, the place is described by the Spanish author Marmol Carvajal as a cosmopolitan place where reigns already strong business. The current name of the Jemaa el Fna not appear until the early seventeenth century in historical texts. The Sudanese historian Abderrahman Es-Saadi, author of the Tarikh al-Sudan gives the only plausible explanation. Saadian Sultan Ahmed Al Mansour would have projected the construction of a great and wonderful mosque on said site. Also we had given him the name of mosque bliss or tranquility (Djemaa el HNA). Then a plague decimates a portion of the population, including the king, and prevents the completion of the building.Therefore, the place was called the place of destroyed mosque likely explanation for the word "El Fna." One can also say that Jemaa means " meeting place ". Thus, mosque and instead unite in a single function: a short-lived rally ...

In the early eighteenth century, the place is first mentioned in a chronicle as a place of entertainment, throughreference to the halqa this sphere created between storyteller and audience. Beyond entertainment, the whole Moroccan society at the time that the historian al-Youssi portrayed in its various components, ethnic and linguistic minorities, rural and urban. Flying over the centuries until 1921, when a Vizierial stopped Mohamed El Mokri proposes for the first time on Djemaa el Fna ranking among the sites to save. Instead begins to the present aspect: the buildings of the post and the Bank of Morocco have just been built, several hotels and coffee shops are open around the square. But the promulgation of Royal Decree prohibits any construction that would jeopardize the Jemaa el Fna identity. The architectural work of the place is to optimize the space within, the idea being that the show is on the square. It's all the people who made ​​the appeal of this legendary place. In 1985, the Medina of Marrakech and therefore Jemaa el Fna which is an integral part inscribed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. In May 2001, Djemaa el Fna is proclaimed Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Activities instead come from an ancient tradition, constantly renewed, related to the city. Also it is a unique testimony of a living but endangered tradition.

 The primary purpose of Unesco is save these traditional practices and protect against the tourism mass standardization of culture, industrialization and armed conflict. But today, the square is facing a major contradiction: at a time when the oral heritage acquires official status and international recognition, he knows at the same time the most complete renunciation since the chain from master to disciple linking the old to the new generation seems to break. If Jemaa el Fna is the place par excellence of entertainment, it assumes a more mercantile form, under the pressure of modernization and a constant increase tourism. Is that, wanting to preserve the oral heritage of the place, Unesco stepping awkwardly its tourist attraction. The actors are being diverted from their own purpose or can no longer practice their activity according to tradition. Consecration double-edged.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Some of places to visit in Marrakech

Old City: 

-soumah Koutoubia:

Abdelmoumen built in the twelfth century, was a model
Built on Mnwalh Alkhiraldh silo.

-sahhat El Fna:

 It is the right of the city center: Vqrabha of markets, and the growing interest
Which attracts, in addition to watching the continued overwhelmed by its shores
Makes it an important reference point.


There are several multi-character, there is a market dyers, and market Ahawara
The market blacksmiths, and leather market, and a market where there is the smell of Smath
The skin where the shoes are made, and the market Acharatin.

-madrsh Ben Youssef is one of the most important feats of Marrakech. The total capacity
This antique school 900 students.

-tv Marrakech: 

School is located along the Ben Youssef. And is considered one of the most beautiful palace Almnabhi
Palaces constructed with the beginning of the nineteenth century. It has been around a museum
Constantly embraces contemporary art
And east, as well as cultural activities

Exploits other city: 

-jama Mansour:

 also called the Kasbah Mosque. Jacob Mansour built between
1185 and 1190 have been rebuilt after an explosion in 1569. was
Then called the mosque "golden apples" because Massabaha
Made of gold jewelery wife of Jacob Mansour.

-mkabr Saadian: 

Ptvanninha rich Saadian tombs include the tomb of Moulay
Ahmed Mansour and the tombs of his sons and his mother is
Garden right kindergarten peace.

-qsr Budaiya:

 This palace contains 360 rooms, was built took a quarter of a century
Of time after the victory of Ahmad al-Mansur in the battle of the Three Kings
In 1578, however, that what is left of it now is the structure.

-qsr Bahia: 

Built around 1880 Ba H'mad Minister Moulay Hassan Alsultanin
And Moulay Abdelaziz. And is rightly regarded as the pride of Moroccan art.

-dar Si Said: 

home minister and the father of Ba H'mad. Construction dates back to the end
The nineteenth century, and contains a museum of Moroccan art.

-dar Tskjoan:

 it comes to a house dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century. It has a
Personal Collection of Bert Flint, a Dutch who came to Morocco
1957 Vtab his place. The stop of his house to collect materials
The techniques used by craftsmen Moroccans.

Complex, traditional industry: space includes everything left untouched markets

New City: Cleese 

-haddikh Majorelle: 

re-purchased by Yves Saint Laurent, who decided to open a third
Garden in front of visitors. The park surrounding the ancient artist workshop Decoration
Famous, and that has been converted into a museum of Islamic art.

-julh Inside forts stretch the walls at a distance of 19 kilometers, and crowned
200 square tower and interspersed with dozens of doors

The outskirts of Marrakech: 


It is recommended to visit at sunset, it's a picnic lovers par excellence. For
Close to the basin construction was a kiss in the past for the Sultans,
It is the day kindergarten peace.

-u Eureka:

 High Atlas Mountains form a natural barrier from the city limits
On the south side and the inherent impossible when snow-capped peaks
Ornament which blends pink red.